
News media as pest

It is just a colloquial expression. But the provocation must have been great. How else does one explain the Mayakovsky-translating, film festival-attending, graduate in...

An unusual glimpse

Sometimes all that is needed is a word to index a problem. What is then necessary is to excavate its nature, its whys and...

Vigilant Media

The events that led to the chief minister of West Bengal ordering the transfer of the Kolkata Police chief and four other police officers...

The average Brahmin

Public opinion is a strange thing. Apart from the etymological problems associated with the word “public”, its mighty elusive behaviour, its steadfast recalcitrance in...

News Media and their impact

Newspaper owners and managers have been intrigued and are unable to come to terms with the apparent paradox of increasing print runs and declining...

Journalists as headless chickens

Now that the parliamentarians and the press have moved on to more weightier issues than headless chickens, it is about time that one weighs...

Audio Stories